#CrimeaIsOurs. History of the Russian Myth (англ.)

/ історична
#CrimeaIsOurs. History of the Russian Myth (англ.)
S. V. Hromenko,
(2017). #CrimeaIsOurs. History of the Russian Myth / S. V. Hromenko. Kyiv. 224 pages, pictures.
ISBN 978-617-7260-10-2

The annexation of Crimea that caused the largest political crisis in Europe since the Second World War at the same time spurred the unprecedented flowering of political mythology. In 2014, a large number of separate myths and falsified facts gave rise to the so-called “Crimea-is-ours” myth designed to justify the aggressive policy of the Russian Federation in the eyes of the world. Is Crimea really an original Russian land? Is it true that the Crimean Tatars are all traitors? Was the peninsula really integrated into Ukraine illegally? And what, after all, were the events of February–March 2014–the occupation of Crimea or the “restoration of historical justice”? This book gives answers to all these questions.

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