Manchester United: The Biography: The Complete Story of the World's Greatest Football Club

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спорт та активний відпочинок Футбол історія спорту біографії і мемуари спортсмени
Manchester United: The Biography: The Complete Story of the World's Greatest Football Club
Following the club’s extraordinary journey from its birth in the railway works of Newton Heath to its current status as the biggest club in world soccer, this is a fascinating history of a remarkable team. The key stages in Manchester United’s history are covered: the Munich Air Crash of 1958, which saw the best part of an entire team (the Busby Babes) being killed; becoming the first English team to win the European Cup in 1968 (with Bobby Charlton and George Best); the dominance of the club in the Premiership; the controversial sale to American tycoon Malcolm Glazer; right up to Moscow 2008.

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