Mick Jagger

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Mick Jagger
The New York Times hailed Philip Norman's bestselling biography of John Lennon as a "haunting, mammoth, terrific piece of work" and MICK JAGGER is primed to leave just as massive a footprint in the publishing world. Building on over four years of in-depth, exhaustive research and exclusive interviews with the many fascinating people who shared Jagger's life, MICK JAGGER provides fascinating insights into the iconic superstar's childhood in well-heeled postwar England; the profound influence of the Blues on his musical education; his intense connection, tumultuous friendship, and creative partnership with Keith Richards; his relationship with the deeply troubled and charismatic Brian Jones; the women in his life-including Marianne Faithfull, Bianca Jagger, and Jerry Hall-and the rise of the Stones from an early '60s pop boy band to the excesses of Altamont, on through their enduring, indefatigable career.

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