St. Petersburg Island. Phototravel to History…

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St. Petersburg Island. Phototravel to History…

The documentary and art photostory about an island, right-bank part of St. Petersburg with which building of the city began. Supplied more than fifty color photos, the story will tell also of the Cabin of Peter the Great constructed in three days and of the first in the city park “for commonalty”, and of the Artillery museum, with the world’s largest collection of weapon, of the cruiser “Aurora” which did to so many noise for the whole world the shot and of the Mosque, largest in Europe…

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В'ячеслав Чорновіл Нічого правдивого й усе можливе Олена Пчілка - дітям Спогади бійців УПА Анна Київська, дружина Генріха І Павло Скоропадський. Спогади. Кінець 1917 - грудень 1918

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