Digital Wars: Apple. Google. Microsoft & The Battle for the Internet
Чарльз Артур
Паперові книги
комп'ютерна література
апаратне забезпечення. модернізація і ремонт
інтернет і web-культура
електронна комерція
комп'ютери apple. mac's
• Which of Apple, Google and Microsoft had an office with a 'drawer of broken dreams' - and what (real) objects lay inside it?• When did Microsoft have the chance to catch Google in making money from search - and who vetoed it?• Why did Google test 40 shades of blue on its users?• How long did outside developers wait before asking to write apps for Apple's iPhone after Steve Jobs announced it?• Who said that Microsoft should have its own music player - and why did it fail?The answers, and much more, can be found in this new book by Charles Arthur, technology editor of The Guardian newspaper of London.
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