Roots of Russia's War in Ukraine (англ.)

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Roots of Russia's War in Ukraine (англ.)
In February 2014, Russia initiated a war in Ukraine, its reasons for aggression unclear. Each of this volume's authors offers a distinct interpretation of Russia's motivations, untangling the social, historical, and political factors that created this war and continually reignite its tensions. What prompted President Vladimir Putin to send troops into Crimea? Why did the conflict spread to eastern Ukraine with Russian support? What does the war say about Russia's political, economic, and social priorities, and how does the crisis expose differences between the EU and Russia regarding international jurisdiction? Did Putin's obsession with his macho image start this war, and is it preventing its resolution? The exploration of these and other questions gives historians, political watchers, and theorists a solid grasp of the events that have destabilized the region.

Elizabeth A. Wood, William E. Pomeranz, E. Wayne Merry, Maxim Trudolyubov. Roots of Russia's War in Ukraine. - Washington: Woodrow Wilson Center Press; New York: Columbia University Press, 2016. - 147 pp.

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