Напрями української політичної думки

/ публіцистика
Записки Наукового товариства імені Шевченка. - Том ССХХІI. Праці Історико-філософської секції. - Львів, 1990. - С. 45-70

З англійської переклала: Уляна Гавришків

Опис: Ivan LYSIAK-RUDNYTSKYI. THE TRENDS IN UKRAINIAN POLITICAL THOUGHT. The article by Ivan Lysiak-Rudnytskyi (1918-1984) discusses the development of main trends in Ukrainian political thought in modern era corresponding to the fourfold structure (Ukrainian nativism, communism, conservatism, integral nationalism). The author forecasts that Ukrainian political programs of the future will be less determined by peasants’ concerns than they were in the past, although the “village background” will remain a characteristic feature of Ukrainian thought for a long time to come. The most significant problem in the future evolution of Ukrainian thought will be the synthesis of antagonistic political and ideological trends. It requires that the nation's past and present spiritual and material achievements be regarded as the common inheritance; and the moral responsibility for the nation's mistakes and follies be shared by all groups of politicians.

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