Russianization of Ukrainian National Security Policy under Viktor Yanukovych (англ.)
Тарас Кузьо
Taras Kuzio (2012) Russianization of Ukrainian National Security Policy under Viktor Yanukovych, The Journal of Slavic Military Studies, 25:4, 558-581
Since Viktor Yanukovych's election in 2010, Ukraine's politics and national security policies have become increasingly similar to those in Russia under Vladimir Putin. The influence of the siloviki in Ukraine is at its greatest, parliament is marginalized for the first time and the country's democratization is under threat. These policies are a product of the authoritarian neo-Soviet political culture in the Party of Regions and unreformed siloviki, such as the Security Service (SBU), and with the goal of preventing a second Orange Revolution. Ukraine is also different from Russia in terms of the inability of the ruling party to use nationalism, weak national resources and regional diversity.
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