Christian devotional objects from early medieval Zvenigorod (now Zvenyhorod, Ukraine) (англ.)

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Christian devotional objects from early medieval Zvenigorod (now Zvenyhorod, Ukraine). The article deals with archaeological material related to Christianity originating from a western outlying region of early Rus’ and its broad historical context. The remains of masonry and wooden churches from the 12th-first half of the 13th century, possibly mentioned in the written sources (AD 1087), identified in the village of Zvenyhorod were investigated by archaeological excavation (1953-1994). Several cemeteries discovered in the area suggest the presence of other sacred buildings. An impressive series of Christian devotional objects (cross-pendants, and small icons, including a pilgrim’s badge) made of silver, copper alloy and amber, offer insight on the culture of the local Christian community. A notable group, quite small, are devotional objects with evidence of reuse. This group includes two categories of object. One category are pottery fragment inscribed with the image of the cross, crosses carved of wooden sticks, and icons made of medieval lead seals. The other categories are wooden and stone cross-pendants, some of them with inscriptions. There is an triangular amber pendant with an inscription and a wooden plate, also with an inscription on the inside. Some wooden bowls were marked with the image of one or more crosses with expanded terminals. This small group of artifacts documents the individual religious culture of the inhabitants of medieval towns. Personal features in the form of inscriptions, images of cross or the place of Crucifixion reveal the need of intensive outline of the most essential Christian dogmas connected with a deep penetration of the Christian religious teaching into different class of the society.

Hupalo V. Christian devotional objects from early medieval Zvenigorod (now Zvenyhorod, Ukraine) // Rome, Constantinople and Newly-Converted Europe Archaeological and Historical Evidence. - Volume II.Kraków – Leipzig – Rzeszów – Warszawa, 2012. S. 591-610.

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