Етнічний лобізм як інструмент нарощування «м'якої сили» України

/ наукова
The article analyses possibilities for the Ukrainian diaspora potential application for lobbying the national interests, creation of positive image and the "soft power" of Ukraine. The ethnic lobbying is considered as an institution of the political system that represents a form of the interests intermediation, a type of communication in foreign policy, and the diaspora – as the foreign ethnic lobby, a group of influence, a participant of transnational networks that gains features of the political subject, becomes the non-state geopolitical actor. The article also analyses the worldwide and the Ukrainian best experience in the sphere of ethnic lobbying, the factors influencing the results of the diaspora lobby activities, its instruments, the critical and current problems of the Ukrainian diaspora. The article emphasises the necessity for positioning of the Ukrainian state as the main subject of diaspora policy, that forms and implements the long-term strategy of effective ethnic lobbying of the national interests. It also reveals the problems of regulatory, institutional and financial support of the Ukrainian diaspora policy, as well as specifies the ways how to deal with them.

Мусієнко І. В. Етнічний лобізм як інструмент нарощування «м'якої сили» України // «Гілея: науковий вісник»: Збірник наукових праць. – К., 2013. – Випуск 77. – С. 280-283.

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