Małżeństwo ruskiej księżnej z połowieckim chanem – konsekwencje oraz wpływ na politykę ruskiego rodu (пол.)

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Małżeństwo ruskiej księżnej z połowieckim chanem – konsekwencje oraz wpływ na politykę ruskiego rodu, „Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego – Prace Historyczne”, 143 (2016)

The marriage between Vsevolod Davidovich’s daughter and Bashkord Khan of the Cumans,
which took place around the middle of 12 th century, was one of the most interesting of the mixed
marriages between the Rus’ and Cuman aristocracy. It was a “precedent” event, because neither
before nor after it did any of the Rus’ duchesses marry a Cuman khan. Although the marriage did
play a certain political role, it must be underlined that its main reason was the conscious choice on
the part of Vsevolod’s daughter, who moved out to live in the steppe with her husband. It was not
an easy decision, because after the wedding the aristocrat had to coexist with people of a diff erent
ethnicity and in diff erent cultural conditions. In the political sphere, Vsevolodovna’s wedding no
doubt strengthened the position of Sviatoslav, her son from the fi rst marriage, in Rus’. Sviatoslav
got on well with his stepfather Bashkord (one of the more important Cuman khans at that time). He
used the family connection with the Cumans in his eff orts to regain Chernigov.
Key words: Kievan Rus’, the Rus’ people, Cumans, nomads, Rus’-Cuman marriage, Vsevolod
Davidovich, Sviatoslav Vladimirovich, Bashkord Khan
Słowa kluczowe: Ruś Kijowska, Rusini, Połowcy, koczownicy, małżeństwo rusko-połowieckie,
Wsiewołodek Dawidowicz, Światosław Włodzimierzowicz, chan Baszkord

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