Regional Diversity and Divided Memories in Ukraine: Contested Past as Electoral Resource, 2004–2010 (англ.)

/ історична
East European Politics and
Volume 26 Number 3
August 2012 616-642

There appears to be a virtual absence of any serious distinctions in the programs and
rhetoric of the three leading political parties in Ukraine: The Party of Regions, Bloc
of Yulia Timoshenko, and Our Ukraine. each party is in support of the market econ-
omy, democracy, human rights, and joining the european Union. The major distinc-
tion between these parties is in the way they see the country’s past. Such an intensive
use of the past reflects the absence of differences in the way they see the future. This
article is dedicated to the analysis of how the past has been used in Ukrainian politics
during the period of active political and regional confrontation in 2004–2010. In par-
ticular, what specific historical stories and topics are in high demand in the political
rhetoric and why, and how all of these factors may prevent the process of political
consolidation of the nation. The article concludes that major political parties will most
likely use the same regional stereotypes of viewing the past in mobilizing their elec-
torate during the coming parliamentary elections of 2012. The technology of con-
fronting the “two Ukraines” will be employed by the competing political camps once
Keywords: electoral resource; language; memory; regional diversity; Ukraine

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