The mechanisms of the informational activity of the GPU-NKVD. The surveillance file of Mykhailo Hrushevsky (англ.)

/ історична
Cahiers du monde russe, 42/2-4 | 2001

Our article analyzes unique GPU-NKVD documents from the surveillance file of Mykhailo Hrushevsky. The famous Ukrainian historian and political figure was subjected to constant surveillance-after his return from emigration to communist Ukraine in spring 1924, his forced departure to Russia in spring 1931, and until his death in November 1934. The documents and materials which reflect this surveillance allow us not only to reconstruct many pages of the scholar’s biography for the first time, but also to have a clearer view of the mechanisms of the GPU-NKVD structures which carried out this surveillance. We give a detailed description of the stages undergone by the collection of information, of its sources, and of its analysis and use by Chekist structures, and we touch upon relations between these structures and the party’s state organs. Our article is the first attempt in contemporary historiography at a scientific study of an archive file of this type.

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